Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Alley

There is an alley near my home that is not particularly interesting or artistically intriguing. In fact, this alley is very small. Only a half a dozen homes border its path. Nonetheless, I recently have had a desire to drive down this alley rather than the typical route to my home.

The alley is the way less traveled. It doesn't fit the mold of assumption and habit. I think that I prefer the alleyway because of the change in pace and the slight excitement of traveling along a path less chosen.

I am typically stuck in my ways and instinctively take the same roads time and again. In doing so, I nearly forget that the other roads exist. I pass by much of what exists simply because I do the things that I do time and again along the same path.

What alleys do we pass by each day? Who do we neglect? What opportunities do we pass? Whatever your alley may be...

The alley is nearly threatened to be forgotten by traditionalism, habitualness, and comfortability. There is always more to be explored than that which has been the traditional way of traveling, living, learning, and loving.

The alley near my home has nice bird houses.


  1. Nathan, You are far to young to be set in your ways and if that is really true, well, then, I think you need to find more alleys. In fact, I would challenge you to find an alley a day. That could be your theme for this school year. An Alley a Day Keeps Repetitiousness Away! Rah rah rah!

  2. I want to change the theme a bit. An Alley a Day Keeps Repetitiousness at Bay. Better cadence, more truth.
