Friday, February 25, 2011

Civil Unrest, Eternal Rest

Within recent months, peoples of the world have declared the inadequacies of failing governments. The unrest has permeated the minds and actions of the peoples of Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Algeria, Sudan, Djibouti, Ivory Coast, Jordan and the list continues.

Continual monitoring of international news sources may lead to hopelessness, fear, uncertainty and pessimism as the nations of the world demand liberties, freedom and security. Domestically, political battles and corrupt businesses inspire crudity, lack of morality and selfishness.

As social, economic and political unrest ensues, the sun rises and sets. Although new challenges, new life and the end of life occur, each day is new and full of the promises made by the Creator.

Unrest only exists if rest exists. Believers of the Word know this to exist. Ultimate rest and citizenship is not bound to the unrest of this earth but united in eternity. Hope and certainty in Christ shall end civil unrest, and that is reason enough to take the streets to proclaim His faithfulness.

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