Monday, February 11, 2013

Africa to Asia: Uncertain Moments

I tend to be fairly cognizant of my surroundings and in most instances prefer knowledge to enable me with the ability to control my interaction with such surroundings.  It must come with the passport: traveling relinquishes control.

There were several instances in Africa and Asia that demanded I recognize my lack of control.  I was held-up entering Kenya due to customs, feared entering mainland China, and interacted with the natural environment that seemed to possess the power to finish my days.

Friends Elle Wightman, Mark & Audrey Statler, boat guide Peter
December 17, 2012, 5:04p.m., Naivasha, Kenya: Our [hippo] boat guide was Peter.  He was a bit older, but was quiet and wise like my father.  I felt safe going on this adventure with him.  We went near the shoreline and were able to see several hippos.  Whenever Peter saw a hippo he got closer so we could take pictures.  At first it was a tad nerve-wracking knowing that hippos do attack and kill boaters, but Peter was an expert.

The exhilarating moments of seeing and hearing a hippo rise from the water certainly made the adventure worth the minor stress.  As if the hippo boat ride extravaganza was not enough, a game drive at the Nairobi National Park a few days later certainly exceeded my expectations.  We began the drive before 6:00a.m., hoping that by doing so we would see wildlife.  And wildlife we saw...

December 20, 2012, 4:00p.m., Nairobi: I was closer to death today more than any day thus far on my Kenyan adventures...within fifteen minutes we crossed paths with a rhino that had a very pointed horn.  Quickly the rhino began chasing our vehicle...within seconds we could hear it huffing as we decided to speed away from our perceived dangerous predicament...The vehicle became lodged deep in the mud and there was no way out but to push - which required us to get out of the car in the Nairobi National Park with hundreds of dangerous creatures.
Despite moments of frustration, uncertainty actually led to moments of dependence on the Spirit and the fellowship of friends, which brought great joy.  This reminds me of the Israelites as they wandered in the desert, relying on the Spirit of God going before them and providing insight to the community leaders.  Too quickly the Israelites pleaded to make their own way, to maintain control, in a foreign land.  The amenities of my travels were certainly incomparable to those of the Israelites, yet I sought independence despite my ignorance and limited perspective.

Gongbei Port of Entry, Zhuhai, China
While I was waiting at immigration control to be admitted to mainland China for the first time, I was surprisingly anxious.  The thought of entering this unknown governmental and cultural nation with stories of persecution did not seem appealing in the moment.  I decided, somewhat unconsciously, to relinquish control: I stood alongside fellow believers and hummed "Holy Spirit, you are welcome here, come flood this place and fill the atmosphere."  It was one of the more peaceful moments of my adventures.

While waiting in the Ft. Wayne International Airport December 13, I wrote: I fail to trust Him when I am not in control, which ironically is all of the time.  And from the Beijing International Airport on January 23, I reminded myself that from the African plains to the Great Wall of China, I have seen His handiwork and declare Great is Thy Faithfulness.

In the midst of great uncertainty, the certainty of my uncertainty demands my submission to the One who is greater and has remained faithful.

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