Friday, January 14, 2011

The Opinion of Division

"The opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference." - Dr. Keith Phillips

In my family, there are many theological, sociological, economical and political views. The differences divide us in some areas, unite us in others and challenge us practically to move beyond idealistic concepts of thought to livable methods of application, whether or not there is agreement.

Division is a beautiful and crucial aspect of societal advancement. Likemindedness and communal beliefs are indeed vital for personal identity. However, shared thoughts rarely challenge anything beyond an egocentric world. It is in the difference of opinion where a challenge forces the abandonment, defense, strengthening or perseverance of opinion.

Fear undermines the lack of challenges sought. It is not a fear of competition, albeit it could be, but a fear of the non-egocentric reality that not all of creation views creation as the same reality.

The greatest danger of opinion is that dogma hinders meaningful conversation. These conversations, debates, challenges and disagreements do not find purpose through an egocentric idealism, but rather find beauty in the reality to understand the division of opinions, common ideologies and a unification through diversity.

Where there is diversity, there is also unity. In the Church we are united by the Lord, despite the differences that abound within and among us. In the world, we are united by humanity. If we are stuck in either without the consideration of another, we are doomed for we shall not grasp the beauty of all of creation and truly love our neighbors, our enemies and our own families.

Differences in opinion should not be penalized but rather explored to have an even greater appreciation for the diversity of creation, united in common threads and celebrated among likeminded friends.

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